The Middlesex Schools’ FA is delighted to announce that the entry process for the 2017-18 competitions is underway.
To ease the burden on teachers, we have made changes to the process to make it easier and quicker to complete. Schools will now select the tournaments they wish to play in by completing an online form and will then be invoiced by email after the entries have been checked and verified. This reduces the risk of schools missing out because a paper form has been lost, or not processed for payment.
The deadline for entries is Friday 23rd June 2017. The draws will then be published on on Monday 3rd July, which will hopefully assist schools to arrange matches for early in the Autumn Term.
The form has been tested on desktop and mobile devices and works well on both, which we anticipate will speed up the completion process for school staff affiliating their teams. We hope that this change is welcomed by schools and welcome any feedback. The form is available to complete by clicking below:
Middlesex Schools’ FA 2017-18 affiliation and entry form for schools.