The Middlesex Schools’ FA has published the draws for the early rounds of the Secondary and Post-16 County Cups for the 2014-15 season. Each competition has a dedicated page within the Inter-Schools Competitions section of the website which can be accessed from the menu which appears towards the top of each page.
In addition, MSFA is delighted to confirm that the Harrow Schools’ FA has committed to entering the Inter-District Competitions at Under-12, Under-13 and Under-14, so the fixtures for those competitions have been revised accordingly.
Both Schools and District SFAs are reminded to note carefully the dates for their matches, which are “played by” dates for the Cup competitions and which are fixed dates for Inter-District matches. All Team Administrators should familiarise themselves with the provisions of Association Rule 2f, particularly section (ix).
Information pertaining to the League Competitions and Primary School Competitions will follow in due course.