The Management Committee of the Association consists of the Officers, the Competition Organisers plus a delegate from each District Football Association / Local Football Organiser affiliated to the Association and situated within its geographical area. District Football Associations who enter the Association’s competitions but are located in other Counties are not entitled to nominate a delegate to sit on the Management Committee.

The current membership of the Management Committee is as follows:

Role(s) Name
President Bob Chandler
Chair, CWO, Inter-District Competitions,
U18 Brigg Cup & U16 Girls’ Cup, Barnet Delegate
Bob Chandler
Vice-Chair – Schools Competitons Costas Demosthenous
General Secretary Jonny Dubner
Assistant General Secretary, Representative Football Coordinator Vacant
Treasurer Leigh O’Connor
Communications & Marketing Officer Carla Devine
Haringey Delegate, Head Coach of Girls’ Representative Teams Adem Ali
U18 Boys’ 1st XI Cup Bob Chandler
U18 Boys’ 2nd XI Cup Michael Omojudi
U16 Boys’ Cup Eoin Rocks
U15 Boys’ Cup, U15 Girls’ Cup Warren Bayliss
U14 Boys’ Cup, Hounslow Delegate Paul Taylor
U14 Girls’ Cup Vacant
U13 Boys Cup Samantha Sheppard
U13 Girls’ Cup James Mansell
U12 Boys’ Cup Lee Linale
Ealing Delegate Vacant
Enfield Primary Delegate Vacant
Enfield Secondary Delegate Liam Dawson
Harrow Delegate Alex Young
Hillingdon Delegate Rob Ogundere

If you would like to get in touch with the Association, please use our Contact Form.